
The benefits of having photovoltaic panels

The sun constantly provides energy in the form of sunlight to the planet. Making better use of this clean energy is one of the clearest alternatives on the path to energy efficiency and the conscious use of natural resources. 

How, then, to take advantage of the energy coming from the sun? well the photovoltaic panels they are an excellent option.

What is a photovoltaic panel?

The photovoltaic panels They are made on the basis of a collection of cells covered with silicon, a semiconductor that fulfills the dual function of isolating and conducting charge flows.  

These cells capture visible solar radiation, transforming it into electrical energy that can be used in different ways. The cells are impacted by the photons, stimulating the electrons thanks to the action of their semiconductors. This generates movement, current or voltage within the electric field of the plate. 

To obtain sufficient energy, several panels are usually connected in series, linked at the same time to a current regulator from where we can store the energy in accumulator batteries, for those days when we do not have sunlight. 

Direct energy, if not stored, can also be transformed into alternating or electrical current thanks to an inverter. In this way, the necessary energy is obtained to feed the different electrical appliances of a home. It is even possible to charge an electric vehicle, although not completely at the moment.

Thus, the Self-consumption of solar energy through photovoltaic panels gains strength At a time when we are experiencing one of the greatest environmental crises related to climate change, as a result of the increase in the temperature of the planet due to the constant emissions that our activities based on fuels and waste generate. 

What are the benefits of photovoltaic panels?

benefits photovoltaic panels

Between the benefits of choosing photovoltaic panels to generate electrical energy, we can point out:

profitable investment: The panels do not require an excessive initial investment, which makes it accessible to all people, in urban or rural spaces, especially in areas where having electrical wiring can be more complicated.

Photovoltaic panels also do not need constant extractive processes for their operation, as is the case with fossil fuels. Therefore, the initial investment is safely recovered. In addition, a photovoltaic panel can have a useful life of forty years, with proper care and maintenance.

Good performance: By using renewable energy, the panels have excellent performance that only depends on the presence of the sun. In case of not having sunlight, it is possible to store energy on those days that are clear.

Along with that, unlike other renewable energies, sunlight also provides heat, which further improves its performance. 

Simple technology: Photovoltaic panels for domestic use, in general, do not have mechanical parts that are moving, except if they have mechanical bases that follow sunlight. 

Therefore, they present fewer problems of use and require less maintenance than other renewable energy systems such as wind farms, for example.

Zero emission: It is a clean energy that reduces the carbon footprint significantly, without generating greenhouse gases during its use. This point is really important if we consider that by 2030 the agreement was reached to reduce the global temperature by 1,5°, which is achieved by controlling or eliminating Co2 emissions.

Another advantage of solar energy is that it reduces the need to exploit and use fossil fuels, collaborating in the preservation of natural resources.

Water care. Solar energy transformed by photovoltaic panels protects bodies of water, unlike the generation of energy through the use of fossil fuels. 

These fossil fuels create toxic waste that somehow ends up in landfills. This causes part of these wastes to filter into water deposits, river currents and groundwater, contaminating them.



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