
Beneficios de contar con una flota de vehículos eléctricos en Chile | MITTA

That current societies develop in a sustainable way is a necessity that must also be at the center of the business decisions of current organizations. 

Frente a la irreversibilidad del cambio climático, los planes y acciones deben encaminarse a reducir el impacto de las actividades humanas sobre el medio ambiente y procurar la mayor eficiencia energética.

Una acción encaminada a la eficiencia energética al interior de las empresas es potenciar la electromovilidad a través de flotas de vehículos eléctricos para sus distintas operaciones. 

Let's see what are the characteristics of these vehicles and the advantages of moving towards a more sustainable mobility. 

What are the characteristics of electric vehicles?

The Power Plants They have an engine powered by electricity, instead of gasoline or diesel fuel. 

Electrical energy is transformed into kinetic energy based, mainly, on lithium ion batteries, rechargeable directly from the electrical network.

Currently, electric vehicles have greater autonomy of displacement, between 300 and 400 kilometers, depending on the size and weight of the batteries. The greater autonomy makes them increasingly attractive vehicles due to the savings that the use of electricity means (up to 80%, depending on the brand) compared to traditional fuels.

Another characteristic of this type of vehicle is its minimal acoustic impact on the environments where it travels. The electric motor emits practically no noise or vibrations when in operation, which undoubtedly contributes to sustaining less polluted and friendlier environments with those who inhabit them.

¿Qué ventajas tienen los vehículos eléctricos?

In this sense, companies have a very relevant role in the transformation towards less polluted environments and, therefore, in the preservation of ecosystems. 

Have a fleet of electric vehicles means reducing carbon footprint by combustion, one of the emissions that has contributed most to the accelerated global warming of the atmosphere. 

Even though the value of an electric vehicle remains high in Chile, there has been a downward trend in prices, promoted by the modification of decree 145 of the Ministry of Transport that allows automobiles arriving from Asia to enter the national electrical matrix approved and to use their chargers, adapters and cables, already adequate to current regulations. This has increased supply of new brands that are entering the national market, lowering prices.

Another advantage to consider is the saving of this type of vehicle. It has been estimated that for every 100 km, an electric vehicle costs between 3 and 5 times less than a combustion one. So too, your performance is optimal which makes it profitable to operate at low revolutions with a progressive engine and without the need for a clutch or gearbox. 

Acquiring a fleet of electric vehicles also implies a decrease in maintenance costs, which are minimal compared to vehicles with combustion engines, meaning substantial savings in workshop and after-sales services.

Can you convert your conventional vehicle to electric?

Unfortunately, not for now. Chilean regulations do not allow the conversion of internal combustion vehicles to electric ones, alluding to safety reasons and noting that they will not be approved in technical reviews. 

However, both in European countries and in Canada and the US, there are specific regulations and guidelines that guide companies in charge of making conversions regarding how to implement the transformations.

This point is a pending aspect in Chile, where only the gas combustion engines of any private vehicle are allowed to be discussed. However, these vehicles continue to generate polluting emissions such as CO2. 

Therefore, there is still a way to go towards truly clean and sustainable mobility.



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