
The importance of reducing emissions in companies

Reduce the impact that the different human activities generated in ecosystems is a growing urgency, where companies have a fundamental role. 

What is the urgency of making changes?

El climate change is one of the main reasons to make drastic transformations in our activities, being one of the most pressing problems for all societies today. 

Climate change has meant a accelerated increase in the temperature of the planet, mainly through the carbon footprint or emissions of greenhouse gases produced directly or indirectly by people, organizations, products and processes of different types.

Thus, effects of climate change are already noticeable, leaving behind the time when this concept seemed like a distant image, belonging to an almost science fiction reality. 

Within these effects changes in weather patterns, rising sea levels and increasingly extreme weather events are observed, which claim human and animal lives in different parts of the planet.

In this way, climate change has a negative impact on the lives of people, communities, ecosystems and the economy of countries. Therefore, if prompt action is not taken, the consequences in the future will be more complex and difficult to address. Hence the urgency to take action at all levels.

The role of companies in environmental management

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As we pointed out before, greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activities make the threat of climate change worse and cause irreversible effects for ecosystems.

Therefore, societies as a whole must take responsibility for reducing emissions that contribute to the increase in global temperature. this is where companies play a leading role in environmental management, being a wise decision not only in terms of social, ecological, but also economic responsibility.

Manage carbon footprint or of the different emissions is one of the measures that companies can take to contribute to the reduction of emissions. 

Although the carbon footprint is an indicator that can be measured, it is also useful as an environmental management tool. This allows a company to recognize the actions that contribute to reducing emissions and moving towards constant improvement, using resources more efficiently.

Thus, greenhouse gas emissions can be quantified from a corporate perspective. This allows the preparation of reports that allow the organization to communicate its performance against climate change with suppliers, customers, investors, government, among others.

After quantifying, it is possible analyze and manage emissions, according to its characteristics:

  • Direct emissions: they come from sources that are owned or controlled by the company, such as, for example, consumption of fossil fuels in fixed and/or mobile sources, unintentional leaks from air conditioning equipment, among others.
  • Indirect emissions from energy consumption and distribution, associated with the consumption of electricity and/or generated steam.
  • Other indirect emissions: emissions that are not owned or controlled by the company, such as transportation of officials, air or land travel for work, transportation of supplies, generation and transportation of waste.

Thus, companies can adopt measures that help reduce and offset the carbon footprint, reducing emissions into the atmosphere. 

From the initial analysis, the habits of the organization can be transformed with a view to energy efficiency. How? 

For example, reducing the consumption of non-renewable fuels and inputs; making improvements in logistics operations and waste management; promoting awareness campaigns; investing in environmental projects, among other actions.

Therefore, environmental management becomes a differentiating aspect between companies, contributing not only in an economic and productive sense, but also in the well-being of people, societies and the environment. 



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